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Showing posts with the label Civilizations

Pride and Prejudice | full novel by Jane Auston

Pride and Prejudice Jane Auston 's novel Book   Preview Reading Jane Austen as a Moral Philosopher Thomas Rodham keenly observes Jane Austen’s exacting ethical expertise.  Jane Austen (1775-1817) wrote delicious romantic comedies about middle-class girls looking for good husbands among the landed gentry of Regency England. But if that were all there was to it we wouldn’t make her any more seriously now than the genre hack published by Mills and Boon. What’s so special about her novels that we are still reading them today? It’s not just their literary quality. Austen was also a brilliant moral philosopher who analysed and taught a virtue ethics for middle-class life that is surprisingly contemporary. Appreciating this can help us understand why she wrote the way she did, and how and why we should read her today. Austen’s Literary Situation Austen is justly celebrated as a literary icon both for her genius and for her role in inventing the modern novel. Her first

linguistics Fundamental Concepts of Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics Fundamental Concepts  Fundamental Concepts . While the study of sociolinguistics  is very broad, there are a few fundamental  concepts  on which many sociolinguistic inquiries  depend.  More...

Ethnic Conflicts PPT

Ethnic Conflicts An ethnic conflict is a conflict between two or more contending ethnic groups. While the source of the conflict may be political, social, economic or religious, the individuals in conflict must expressly fight for their ethnic group's position within society. This final criterion differentiates ethnic conflict from other forms of struggle. MOre

The problems of Linguistic inequality Docs

Theproblems of Linguistic inequality “Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols. Human creates language to fulfil their social needs. It is a systematic media of communication. Language and society are More

Identity Crisis Docs

IdentityCrisis What is identity? “Identity is the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a person (self-identity) or group (particular social category or social group). The process of identity can be creative or destructive.” James, Paul (2015). More


TYPES OF IDENTITY Religious Identity: It is a specific type of identity formation. It is the sense of group membership to a religion and the importance of this group membership as it pertains to one's  self-concept . Religious identity is not necessarily the same as religiousness or  religiosity . Although these three terms share a commonality, religiousness and religiosity refer to both the value of religious group membership as well as participation More  

Role Of Language And Culture In Formation of Identity Docs

Role Of Language And Culture InFormation of Identity “How people understand their relationship to the outside world, how that relationship is constructed across time and space, and how people understand their possibilities for future.” More

Linguistic conflict PPT

Linguistic conflict: Conflict   plays a role in many social sciences. Linguistically, conflict between different ethnic groups often results from language contact. Problems viewed as political, economic or sociological in nature are often actually rooted in linguistic conflict. Conflict plays a role in many social sciences. Linguistically, conflict between different ethnic groups often results from language contact. Problems viewed as political, economic or sociological in nature are often actually rooted in linguistic conflict. In the literature, however, contact has overshadowed conflict. In addition, the emphasis in contact research has traditionally focused on closed, homogeneous groups rather than on urban industrial societies in which social and linguistic conflict are important factors. Language contact and conflict are seen as interdependently related elements applicable both to individuals and to language communities, yet these phenomena occur only between  speaker

The Story of an Hour

The Story of an Hour Click here for Preview

The Nightingale and the Rose

The-Nightingale-and-the-Rose Click here for Preview

General Method of Teaching Assignments

General Method of Teaching Assignments

Presentations(World Civilization)

World Civilization Click on World Civilization For Preview World Civilization  (Click Here For Preview)